Bollywood Movie Barfi Trailer Launch Video-Ranbir Kapoor,Priyanka Chopra,Illeana. Barfi! is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy film directed by Anurag Basu. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana D'Cruz in lead roles. It is expected to be released on September 14, 2012. The title was earlier credited as Khamoshi and Silence, but it was later changed.Ranbir Kapoor is playing a deaf and mute boy while Priyanka will be seen as an autistic girl in the forthcoming film 'Barfi!', but Ranbir claims that despite such characters audiences will not see any "disability" in the film. "Whatever disability you see right now, you will not feel in the film. We are normal characters. PC (Priyanka) is playing an autistic girl in the film, but she is like this cute puppy dog who you will fall in love with. You will not see the disability," he said at the release of the first trailer of 'Barfi!'. Directed by Anurag Basu, the film is titled after Ranbir's character.Talking about it, Ranbir said that in the movie his character's "name is actually Murphy but because he is deaf and mute, he says it as Barfi". Directed by:Anurag Basu Produced by:Ronnie Screwvala,Siddharth Roy Kapoor Written by: Anurag Basu Starring:Ranbir Kapoor,Priyanka Chopra,Ileana D'Cruz,Rupa Ganguly Music by:Pritam
Bollywood Movie Barfi Trailer Launch Video-Ranbir Kapoor,Priyanka Chopra,Illeana
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Bollywood Movie Barfi Trailer Launch Video-Ranbir Kapoor,Priyanka Chopra,Illeana. Barfi! is an upcoming Indian romantic comedy film directed by Anurag Basu. The film stars Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Ileana D'Cruz in lead roles. It is expected to be released on September 14, 2012. The title was earlier credited as Khamoshi and Silence, but it was later changed.Ranbir Kapoor is playing a deaf and mute boy while Priyanka will be seen as an autistic girl in the forthcoming film 'Barfi!', but Ranbir claims that despite such characters audiences will not see any "disability" in the film. "Whatever disability you see right now, you will not feel in the film. We are normal characters. PC (Priyanka) is playing an autistic girl in the film, but she is like this cute puppy dog who you will fall in love with. You will not see the disability," he said at the release of the first trailer of 'Barfi!'. Directed by Anurag Basu, the film is titled after Ranbir's character.Talking about it, Ranbir said that in the movie his character's "name is actually Murphy but because he is deaf and mute, he says it as Barfi". Directed by:Anurag Basu Produced by:Ronnie Screwvala,Siddharth Roy Kapoor Written by: Anurag Basu Starring:Ranbir Kapoor,Priyanka Chopra,Ileana D'Cruz,Rupa Ganguly Music by:Pritam
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