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Sunday 25 November 2012

Info Post
Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular critics opinion for video games and movies! Today it is Rise of The Guardians a new animated movie about the Easter Bunny, Jack Frost and Santa Claus going against the Nightmare King or something like that
.Well there's good news and bad news if you are going to see Rise Of The Guardians this weekend. The good news is that it is not horrid. Though it's not up to par with Pixar movies either. Rotten Tomatoes praised that it was a elementary school version of The Avengers, Laramie Movie Scope loved the moral of the story but the main problem about this movie is that if you are an adult half way through you will get a little bit bored and it might mimic you a bit as TIME magazine expelled.
Overall see this movie if you have kids. If you are a kid how the heck did you get here?
Rise Of The Guardians is rated PG.


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