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Friday 13 July 2012

Info Post
Hi! We are Critics Consensus. We post the regular daily critics opinion for the newest video games and movies! Today it is Quantum Conundrum the spiritual successor to Portal.
When Portal 2 was released in 2011 it had critical acclaim from every single critic. So when a game comes out directed by the person who had a main part on working the original Portal we hope that it will be amazing. Thankfully yes. Even though Gaming Nexus complained about the story and writing, Critics were also loving the game left,right, and center-field. Official Xbox Magazine UK praised it's addictive-ness while Gamereactor Sweden stated it had clever puzzles. The best thing about Quantum Conundrum is it's gameplay. And while it does not have the best story if you loved Portal 2 you will love this.
Overall get this game but if you do not want to get it that is fine.

Quantum Conundrum is rated E.


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